# 17 : Inventory of Data from the New Blog's First Month

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On December 25th last year, my blog was officially launched after a redesign. A significant change in this revision was the provision of articles in both Chinese and English versions, and I also stopped updating articles on other technical platforms in China. A month later, from December 25th to January 23rd, the blog’s traffic data showed significant changes:

According to Google Analytics:

  • UV (Unique Visitors) reached 14K, an increase of 156% compared to the previous 30 days.
  • PV (Page Views) reached 35K, up by 99.6%.

According to Baidu Analytics:

  • UV reached 18.3K, an increase of 234%.
  • PV reached 35K, up by 224%.

It is noteworthy that the proportion of Chinese visitors dropped from 75% to 33%, meaning that non-Chinese users now make up the majority.

The significant increase in traffic to the new blog was unexpected, and the trend seems set to continue according to the statistics.

My initial intention in creating the blog was to improve myself while sharing and interacting with more friends. Seeing more and more readers browsing my articles naturally fills me with joy. Although I hope my articles can be seen by more friends, I will still maintain my original intention in future creations, focusing on topics that interest me, are helpful to me and others, and are content-rich.

I look forward to exchanging ideas and progressing together with friends who are interested in SwiftUI, Core Data, and SwiftData through my articles.


Exploring SwiftUI Property Wrappers: @AppStorage, @SceneStorage, @FocusState, @GestureState and @ScaledMetric


In this article, we will continue to explore property wrappers in SwiftUI: @AppStorage, @SceneStorage, @FocusState, @GestureState, and @ScaledMetric. These property wrappers cover various aspects including data persistence, interactive response, accessibility features, and multi-window support, providing developers with succinct and practical solutions.

This article is the second part of the series exploring SwiftUI property wrappers. The first part is Exploring Key Property Wrappers in SwiftUI: @State, @Binding, @StateObject, @ObservedObject, @EnvironmentObject, and @Environment. The series comprises four articles, aiming to comprehensively overview the functionalities of all property wrappers in SwiftUI.

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Alessandro Di Nepi

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Let’s visionOS 2024

The first Asian visionOS Developers Conference, “Let’s visionOS Conf”, co-planned by SwiftGG and XReality Zone, will kick off on March 30, 2024, in Beijing! The event will feature numerous renowned speakers from both domestic and international circles, sharing their practical experiences and industry insights!

In addition to programming technology, the conference content will also encompass product design, human-computer interaction, and commercialization, aiming to help entrepreneurs stand out quickly in the visionOS track!

We eagerly look forward to everyone’s participation, whether you are an attendee, sponsor, guest speaker, or volunteer. We warmly welcome you to join us in embracing and exploring this exciting new field!

For more details, please visit the official website of the event.

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