# 23 - Equip Your App with Privacy Manifests

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Apple recently notified developers submitting apps for review to include privacy manifest files in their apps if they use specific APIs. This requirement stems from the new policy introduced at WWDC 2023, aimed at compelling app developers and SDK producers to explicitly declare their app’s privacy practices. By May 1, 2024, apps that fail to provide a complete privacy manifest will not pass the App Store’s review process. Developers are required to provide clear privacy statements for the APIs or third-party libraries used, ensuring transparency and the protection of user privacy.

Besides the privacy manifest, developers were also required last week to verify and submit their app’s merchant identity proofs on the App Store in compliance with EU regulations. This new requirement sparked fresh discussions in the developer community, with many seeking guidance on how to determine their own status. Apple’s customer service advises consulting a legal advisor for clarity.

These updates reflect Apple’s continuous adjustments to global legal and regulatory changes, suggesting that developers may need to comply with more such regulations in the future. This undoubtedly adds an additional burden on small development teams. While the intent to protect consumer interests is commendable, regulators should provide clearer and more understandable guidelines. Moreover, there is a hope that Apple will introduce more intelligent features in its development tools to help developers streamline the process of creating necessary privacy manifests. This would not only effectively safeguard user privacy but also allow developers to focus more on creating exceptional app experiences, rather than being bogged down by complex compliance demands.


Tips and Considerations for Using Lazy Containers in SwiftUI


In the SwiftUI framework, lazy layout containers such as List and LazyVStack provide an efficient way to display large datasets. These containers are ingeniously designed to dynamically build and load views only when necessary, thereby significantly optimizing the app’s performance and memory usage efficiency. This article will introduce the following tips and considerations aimed at empowering developers to enhance app responsiveness and resource management when utilizing SwiftUI’s lazy containers.

  • Custom Implementation Conforming to RandomAccessCollection
  • Implementing Infinite Data Loading
  • The Impact of the id Modifier on List’s Lazy Loading Mechanism
  • SwiftUI Only Retains the Top-Level State of ForEach Subviews in Lazy Containers
  • SwiftUI’s Passive Memory Resource Release for Specific State Types

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