This article will delve into NSManagedObjectID and PersistentIdentifier features, usage methods, and...
This article will explore how to use the advanced APIs provided by Swift Charts to achieve precise a...
This article aims to discuss several key points to consider when using Codable and enums in SwiftDat...
This article will analyze a case of abnormal Grid layout, exploring the analytical approach and prob...
In this article, we will explore two different implementations of image tiling in SwiftUI and from t...
This article aims to explore several common misconceptions of SwiftUI to help developers better unde...
In this article, we will analyze the key concepts involved in implementing an infinite four-way scro...
This article presents an automated method for merging String Catalogs across packages during main ap...
An analysis of List and LazyVStack in SwiftUI to guide developers in choosing the right component
In this article, we will delve into the features, usage, and unique aspects of the Swift Testing fra...
This article will explore these latest scroll control APIs at WWDC 2024 and review the development o...
This article will delve into TextRenderer, a new feature introduced at WWDC 2024
In WWDC 2024, Apple showcased a series of new features and functionalities that will significantly i...
This article will review the performance of the WWDC 2024 version of SwiftData and share the complex...
This article will evaluate the overall performance of SwiftData since its initial release during the...
In this article, I will sift through the key updates to SwiftUI that have made a significant impress...
This article will explore the concept of Spacing in SwiftUI in-depth, and share some related tips an...
This article will delve into the containerRelativeFrame modifier, covering its definition, layout ru...
In this article, I will share some of my experiences and attempts at using the Swift language for em...
This article explores overlay and background view modifiers, their key differences from ZStack, and ...
This article aims to explore how to introduce elegant and safe concurrency operations similar to tho...
This article will delve into a bug affecting SwiftUI applications in multi-window mode and propose e...
This is my presentation at Let's VisionOS 2024. Key message: Don't be limited by past practices; the...
This article will discuss the meaning of @MainActor, as well as tips and considerations for applying...
This article will explain how to integrate SwiftData with modern programming concepts smoothly into ...
This article provides practical tips and key insights for using SwiftUI's lazy containers to boost a...
This article explores implementing NSCompoundPredicate-like capabilities, dynamically creating predi...
This article aims to explore the usage, structure, and key considerations of Swift Predicate in prac...
This article will explore some techniques and considerations for handling optional values when const...
This article will explore property wrappers in SwiftUI @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor, @Accessibility...
This article will explore property wrappers in SwiftUI @FetchRequest, @SectionedFetchRequest, @Query...
This article will explore property wrappers in SwiftUI @AppStorage, @SceneStorage, @FocusState, @Ges...
This article focuses on the changes that have occurred in the aspect of relationships within SwiftDa...
this article aims to share practical experience and techniques for handling relationships in Core Da...
In this article, we will delve into the basic concepts of relationships in Core Data, while providin...
This article documents my experience and insights in reconstructing the blog using artificial intell...
This article explores the key property wrappers in SwiftUI, including @State, @Binding, @StateObject...
In this article, we will discuss the unique characteristics of the iCloud Documents folder, the impo...
In this article, we will discuss how to integrate iCloud Documents into applications, perform file r...
This article will introduce the concept and usage of geometryGroup(), as well as how to handle anoma...
This article records some of my experiences working with AI. Over the past two weeks, with the assis...
This article intends to thoroughly analyze ViewThatFits, including rule details, the meaning of idea...
This article will dissect the "common problems" of GeometryReader to see if it is really so unbearab...
This article will explain how to observe specific data changes through Persistent History Tracking i...
In the previous article, we introduced the basic usage of TipKit. In this article, we will discuss s...
TipKit is a framework introduced by Apple at WWDC 2023 that allows you to easily display tips in you...
As the successor to Core Data, SwiftData provides a more elegant and secure mechanism for concurrent...
This article will explore how SwiftData creates data models using code, the new language features it...
This article will delve into the inner workings of Core Data in constructing managed object instance...
This article will discuss how developers can call the advanced features provided by Core Data in Swi...
This article will explore two serious issues in SwiftUI caused by the failure to implement reactive ...
Although at WWDC 2023, Apple will mainly focus on introducing the new data framework SwiftData, Core...
This article will explore the principles, functions, creation, and distribution logic of Transaction...
This article will comprehensively and thoroughly explore the Observation framework in a Q&A format, ...
With SwiftUI 5.0, Apple has significantly enhanced the functionality of ScrollView. Numerous new and...
WWDC 2023 is in full swing. Apple has not only introduced new hardware products but has also launche...
Over the past few days, I underwent a comprehensive health check at the hospital, and the results we...
This article will explain the SwiftUI preview function's implementation mechanism and its limitation...
This article outlines a personal wishlist for Core Data in WWDC 2023, highlighting desired feature i...
This article outlines a personal wishlist for SwiftUI in WWDC 2023, highlighting desired feature imp...
On April 18th and 20th, Apple hosted two "SwiftUI Tech Salon" events in Shanghai and Beijing, respec...
This article is based on my presentation at the "SwiftUI Technology Salon (Beijing Station)" on Apri...
With the popularity of ChatGPT, it seems like topics about artificial intelligence suddenly pervade ...
onAppear( task ) is a modifier frequently used by SwiftUI developers, but there has not been any aut...
I've been using the MacBook Pro 14' for a week now, and today we'll talk about the process of switch...
This article guides readers on enhancing memory performance for SwiftUI + Core Data apps using a sam...
This article will demonstrate the power and flexibility of SwiftUI's layout system by showing multip...
This article covers optimizing state injection, timing of modal view creation, and coordinating data...
This article will introduce how to customize the appearance and interaction behavior of a Button by ...
This article discusses how to prevent serious errors in views, provide accurate information to users...
This article will discuss how to efficiently retrieve Core Data within SwiftUI views and create a ne...
In future articles, we will attempt to create a SwiftUI + Core Data app using a new approach to see ...
Currently, my main challenge and research direction is how to integrate Core Data into popular appli...
This article will discuss how to create a programmatically adaptive navigation solution for differen...
With the continuous improvement of SPM (Swift Package Manager) functionality, more and more develope...
This article compiles key Q&A from the Ask Apple 2022 event related to SwiftUI, offering solutions a...
Ask Apple provides developers with an opportunity to directly communicate with Apple engineers outsi...
Ask Apple creates an opportunity for developers to directly communicate with Apple engineers outside...
The Composable Architecture (TCA) is a SwiftUI framework that provides state and side effect managem...
This article will discuss the differences and similarities between StateObject and ObservedObject, t...
By 2022, SwiftUI had entered its fourth year. Despite encountering various issues in previous update...
This article will introduce some SwiftUI tutorials that have relatively low technical requirements f...
This article describes how to detect scrolling in a SwiftUI component. The methods include using Int...
This article was written by me in early 2020, documenting my journey of relearning programming. Look...
This article will introduce some methods of how to center views in SwiftUI , explaining the implemen...
This article will provide an approach to implementing keyword search and highlighting using SwiftUI ...
This article will introduce some knowledge related to Text and, through a practical case, outline th...
Learn to use task modifiers in SwiftUI for asynchronous tasks in views, including cancellation signa...
This article will guide you in optimizing view calculations in SwiftUI. The methods include optimizi...
Core Data with CloudKit itself does not offer an option to enable or disable cloud synchronization i...
In this post, we'll explore SwiftUI's layout by imitating the view modifiers "frame" and "fixedSize"...
This article explains SwiftUI size concepts for layout. It helps you understand and use the many siz...
This article blends the Layout protocol with SwiftUI's "alignment" to aid readers in comprehending a...
Table is a table control provided for the macOS platform in SwiftUI 3.0, allowing developers to quic...
SwiftUI 4.0 (iOS 16+, macOS 13+) has made significant changes to the navigation system, providing a ...
This article will introduce Core Data's batch operations, including their principles, usage methods,...
This article covers how Core Data saves data in SQLite, including tables and fields, persistent hist...
This article introduces several ways to open URLs in SwiftUI views. It also covers how to automatica...
This article explains how to make a property wrapper notify the class that wraps it of any changes, ...
This article provides a comprehensive introduction to the animation mechanism of SwiftUI and provide...
This article will introduce the tools I'm currently using, which include data collection and organiz...
This article will demonstrate the approach to identifying and resolving issues in SwiftUI through a ...
This article introduces the zIndex modifier in SwiftUI, including how to use it, the scope of the zI...
This article is a guide to using ViewBuilder in SwiftUI. Topics include creating a ViewBuilder imita...
This article explains the use of result builders in Swift, including custom container creation, modi...
SwiftUI Overlay Container is a view container component for SwiftUI. It is a customizable, efficient...
My blog, "Fatbobman's Blog," has been live for 2 years now. The initial purpose of writing this blog...
In Core Data, developers often need to deal with counting records, such as using count as a predicat...
This article shows how to customize gestures in SwiftUI. It covers creating swipe, press, and click ...
This article delves deeper into Xcode Playground, focusing on aspects such as auxiliary code, resour...
This series of articles covers numerous tips and tricks for using Xcode Playground, including stabil...
Just before the end of 2021, Apple finally released Swift Playgrounds 4, arguably the most revolutio...
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is an official solution provided by Apple for sharing key-value data acros...
This article will cover the benefits of using Combine and async/await, whether they can work togethe...
This article introduces the author's understanding and research on SwiftUI views and the lifecycle o...
This article will explore how to obtain SafeAreaInsets in SwiftUI, draw views outside of the safe ar...
This article will introduce the technical challenges, development approaches, and my solution - MOCl...
This article will introduce how to implement a functionality similar to the document scanning featur...
This article offers tips for Core Data concurrency programming, including debug params, reducing blo...
This article will explain how to design a Core Data Stack. It will cover the functions, components, ...
This article will provide an introduction to onChange, including its features, how to use it, precau...
This article introduces Derived and Transient properties in Core Data. It explains how to set them u...
This article will explore the experiences, techniques, and considerations related to SwiftUI TextFie...
In mid-2019, I had the idea to develop an app for recording my health data and completed the first v...
In this article I will introduce how to implement the following functionalities in TextField filteri...
At WWDC 2021, Apple introduced a long-awaited feature for developers - AttributedString. This means ...
This article will introduce how to create a Formatter that complies with the new API, offering reade...
This article explores how to localize text in iOS applications, demonstrating methods such as creati...
This article explains how to add your application's Core Data to the Spotlight index using NSCoreDat...
SheetKit is an extension library for SwiftUI modal views. It provides several convenient methods for...
In this article, we will explore how to implement an enhanced version of a new feature in SwiftUI 3....
In this article, we will explore how to create applications that share data with multiple iCloud use...
This article explains how to refactor SwiftUI's state container code using the Async/Await feature i...
This article introduces a library I created, NavigationViewKit, which is an extension for Navigation...
This article will explore some of the reasons behind SwiftUI preview crashes, how to avoid similar c...
This article will explain how to use UIKit views in SwiftUI, how to give your UIKit wrapped views a ...
Last weekend, I renovated and upgraded my blog. I am quite satisfied with the effect of this update,...
This article will introduce how to synchronize a public database to the local environment, creating ...
This article will explore common issues in Core Data with CloudKit projects, including initializatio...
This article thoroughly examines the usage of the CloudKit Dashboard. It covers aspects such as data...
In this article, we will explore the most common scenario in Core Data with CloudKit applications—sy...
Core Data with CloudKit brings cloud storage and multi-device synchronization capabilities to Core D...
This article explores how to use @AppStorage in a graceful, efficient, and secure manner within Swif...
This article provides an in-depth explanation of CoreData's Persistent History Tracking feature. It ...
WWDC 2021 has already ended a week ago. As always, Apple brought us new operating systems as well as...
Since Swift announced its open-source status and Linux support in 2015, more than 5 years have passe...
This article will showcase different extension methods and introduce other excellent members of the ...
Having a powerful theme system is one of the key factors in the success of a static website generato...
Publish is a static site generator designed specifically for Swift developers. It uses Swift to buil...
One of the initial purposes of creating SwiftUI was to efficiently and reliably adapt to multiple Ap...
This article is not a tutorial on how to use CoreData with SwiftUI. Instead, it focuses on lessons, ...
This article introduces several third-party open-source libraries used in the development of Health ...
The final stages of a project are often the most tedious.
After over half a year of accumulation and preparation, and two months of development, Health Notes ...
The National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is about to end, and it's been a while since my las...
This week, I haven't had much energy or mood for coding. Over the last few days, building on the uni...
How to creating a form within a Sheet that responds in real time, and the Sheet reacts to the form's...
Due to a family member's sudden illness, I have been frequently visiting the hospital recently, whic...
Creating a Form that is prompt in input response and accurate in feedback is crucial. This article a...
Sheets are an interaction style I particularly enjoy as they effectively control user actions, simpl...
Due to other miscellaneous matters this week, I could only guarantee about 2-3 hours per day for dev...
Using List in SwiftUI can be very convenient and quick for creating various types of lists. List is ...
Health Notes has been online since January 2020, and now more than half a year has passed. During th...
SwiftUI currently offers popup views such as sheet, fullScreenCover, alert, action sheet, etc. to en...
With the continuous improvement of SwiftUI 2.0, I feel it's time to make a major upgrade to my app. ...
Native file import and export functionality has been added to SwiftUI 2.0. It should be noted that t...
With SwiftUI 2.0, scroll positioning has become much easier to adapt to most application scenarios. ...
SwiftUI 2.0 introduced some convenient built-in controls, such as Label and ProgressView. They have ...
SwiftUI 2.0, with its new coding architecture (Life Cycle SwiftUI App), introduces onOpenURL for han...
SwiftUI 2.0 provides some new controls with similar functions to existing controls but different nam...
SwiftUI 2.0 provides native support for opening URL schemes, which makes it very convenient to call ...
This article explores the native Lazy Grid control introduced in SwiftUI 2.0, including LazyVGrid an...
SwiftUI 2.0 introduced the Label widget, making it convenient for us to add labels composed of image...
SwiftUI 2.0 introduces LazyVStack and LazyHStack, which only render Views when they are within the v...
In Swift 2.0, Apple has added MapKit, making it very easy for developers to incorporate the necessar...
In this article, we will focus on how to more efficiently organize Data Flow under the new code stru...
This article briefly introduces the new App and Scene protocols in SwiftUI 2.0. It discusses how to ...
The following code appeared in the Apple WWDC 20 video, introducing a new property wrapper @FocusedB...
This article introduces how to add menus for the macOS platform in SwiftUI 2.0
WWDC 20 just concluded, and in the past week, Apple has brought huge surprises to developers. Due to...
This article mainly explores in SwiftUI, using a Single Source of Truth development pattern, whether...
This article aims to explore and analyze the implementation and operational characteristics of @Stat...
This article provides a comprehensive guide on installing the Vapor CLI tool, creating and debugging...
I created a blog using Hexo, primarily to document my insights and technical summaries from the deve...