# 35 - A Spectacular Keynote, Yet Practical Implementation Requires Time

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Photo by Apple

Yesterday, WWDC 2024 unfolded as scheduled. In the first keynote, artificial intelligence shone as the brightest star. Apple integrated AI technology into various system areas in a rather natural way, maintaining existing user habits unaltered and fully utilizing the contextual information provided by devices. To enhance user privacy, cloud-based AI capabilities are not relied upon unless the device’s local AI is insufficient. Even when accessing the internet, Apple pledged to strictly protect user privacy. In embracing AI, Apple has not loosened its longstanding focus on privacy.

Beyond AI, major upgrades were received by Swift, VisionOS, Xcode, SwiftData, SwiftUI, and more. Judging solely from the information provided in the keynote, this year’s updates from Apple were highly sincere.

However, it is regrettable that many new functions and features were not released with the first version of the test. Functions related to AI will take some time to be experienced, while others won’t be available until next year.

Surprisingly, Apple has made significant adjustments to SwiftData, which was only released last year, by overhauling its underlying architecture. From the currently available APIs, it’s clear that SwiftData is no longer just a variant of Core Data. The newly introduced DataStore protocol allows developers to build customized storage solutions. However, possibly due to the extensive nature of these changes, SwiftData has shown instability in its first test version, and it is recommended that developers wait at least 1-2 months before delving deeper.

Overall, this year’s WWDC has introduced many new developments, and the information currently available showcases great potential while also highlighting Apple’s strong commitment to technologies like AI, Swift, and SwiftUI. However, whether these innovations will achieve their anticipated outcomes still requires time to assess.

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