# 6 - Pausing for Progress

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According to a report by MacRumors, Apple engineers have been instructed to pause ongoing development of new versions and focus on fixing existing bugs and improving software performance. This pause is expected to last for one week.

We won’t discuss whether one week is enough time to fix the numerous issues in the current system, frameworks, and development tools. But at least Apple is showing the intention and determination to address the bugs, something that many developers and users have been expecting for a long time.

I’m not a demanding developer or user, but I do have some small complaints about the many software issues Apple has had in recent years.

After the release of iOS 16 last year, I wrote a blog post, and here are some excerpts:

By 2022, SwiftUI had entered its fourth year. While previous updates of SwiftUI encountered some issues, none were as significant as those in its latest version. This trend of numerous bugs was not limited to SwiftUI but was also prevalent in iOS, macOS, and other Apple products.

This issue is not unique to Apple; it reflects a broader societal trend of relentless development. The pursuit of speed, change, and efficiency permeates all aspects of life, affecting both businesses and individuals.

Regardless of whether consumers have plans to purchase new products, the most prevalent voice on the internet whenever a new product is released is “incremental upgrades”. This, in turn, affects the business strategy, as companies continuously introduce new models just to cater to the market, changing for the sake of change, and being different for the sake of being different.

However, consumers’ seemingly endless desire for change is also fueled by corporate strategies. When companies fixate on annually releasing new versions of their products and shift from one-time purchases to subscription models, their primary goal often shifts to creating an impression rather than offering practical utility.

The use of over-the-air (OTA) updates, originally intended for certain specific fields, has been applied as a mindset in various areas such as management, design, manufacturing, and so on, which is shocking. Expecting no bugs or fewer bugs has become a luxury, and rapid iteration has become mainstream - fixing bugs during iterations, and creating bugs during iterations.

Do we really need to move so fast?


GeometryReader: Blessing or Curse?


GeometryReader has been present since the birth of SwiftUI, playing a crucial role in many scenarios. However, from the very beginning, some developers have held a negative attitude towards it, believing it should be avoided as much as possible. Especially after the recent updates of SwiftUI added some APIs that can replace GeometryReader, this view has further strengthened.

This article will dissect the “common problems” of GeometryReader to see if it is really so unbearable, and whether those performances criticized as “not meeting expectations” are actually due to problems with the developers’ “expectations” themselves.

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Fun Project

Let’s xrOS


Since the WWDC 2023 event, many beautiful concept images and demonstration videos of visionOS apps have emerged on social media. However, due to the unofficial release of Apple Vision Pro, it is difficult for us to try out other developers’ works.

To address this issue, XReality Zone has created the Let’s xrOS application. With it, developers can try out visionOS apps created by other creators in the community.

You can also submit your own visionOS applications here to share with enthusiasts from around the world, without the need to submit the source code.

Weekly Swift & SwiftUI highlights!