# 15 : New Frameworks, New Mindsets

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I recently began redeveloping my “Health Notes” application. With the new version only supporting devices running iOS 17 and above, I’ve found greater freedom in choosing the technical direction.

This week, I restructured the state management code in my project using the Observation framework, and the results were surprisingly good. Beyond performance improvements, this class-based approach to state management has brought me many new insights, making it more aligned with SwiftUI practices. It has freed state splitting and combination from being confined to purely state management code.

The main issue with SwiftData currently lies in performance bottlenecks in certain scenarios, rather than the functionality itself. Although the framework is not yet mature, I still plan to try using it in my new project. Only through in-depth practice in real projects can I find solutions to certain problems (and I anticipate that some of these issues may persist in future versions). Despite the challenges, the prospect of developing in a manner more in tune with the Swift style is still exciting and highly anticipated.

Unfortunately, due to version restrictions, many developers will not be able to experience the convenience and shift in development mindset brought by revolutionary frameworks like Observation and SwiftData for some time. I sincerely hope that Apple, while introducing new frameworks, also considers forward compatibility, allowing a broader range of developers and users to benefit.


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