# 20 - Time to Prepare for Swift 6

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Recently, the Swift community announced the release process for Swift 6. Starting March 15, 2024, the release/6.0 branch will be branched off from the main branch, marking a significant acceleration in the Swift 6 project. It is anticipated to be released alongside the new version of Xcode in the second half of this year.

Swift 6 will introduce a stricter concurrency code checking mechanism, which will result in many of the current codes being unable to compile under Swift 6’s language mode. To provide developers with ample time to adapt, the Swift 6 compiler will continue to support the Swift 5 language mode, meaning developers don’t have to worry about their existing code not running in Swift 6. To fully leverage the latest features of Swift concurrency, developers are encouraged to enable the strict concurrency check flag (SWIFT_STRICT_CONCURRENCY) in their projects as early as possible in preparation for Swift 6.

Reflecting on my experience starting to learn the Swift language four years ago, I feel very fortunate because Swift 5 had already been released at that time, achieving ABI stability and thus reducing the learning cost. During the 5.x versions, although the core functionalities of the Swift language had stabilized, the community still added many new features and characteristics, which not only enhanced the functionality and applicability of Swift but inevitably raised the learning threshold for beginners. The plethora of syntactic sugar and new features in Swift can make many beginners feel utterly bewildered when facing complex code.

Things always have two sides: on one hand, developers hope Swift can become more powerful and adapt to more development scenarios and platforms; on the other hand, everyone also wishes it could be easier to learn and use, allowing developers to enjoy the conveniences of new features without additional learning burdens.

The introduction of macros attempts to balance this contradiction to some extent by encapsulating complex functions and features into macros, making it easier for more developers to benefit. However, in the current development environment, the use of custom macros not only significantly increases the project’s compile time but also affects Xcode’s response when the macros are complex, often leading to frequent errors in code auto-completion and macro expansion. With the release of Swift 6, it is hoped that Xcode will also improve, offering higher efficiency, stability, and contemporary AI-assisted programming capabilities.


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