

OpenAI Appeals to the US Government: Competitive Concerns Over DeepSeek - #075

OpenAI Appeals to the US Government: Competitive Concerns Over DeepSeek

Mar 17, 2025 Issue #075
A few days ago, OpenAI submitted a fifteen-page memorandum to the U.S. government, elevating competitive threats from De...
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Using Proxyman to Intercept and Simulate iPhone App Network Requests

In the Internet age, developers increasingly interact with network data. Just as we rely on the debugging features of our IDEs to optimize our code, network debugging tools have become indispensable assistants for quickly, efficiently learning, researching, and analyzing network data. This article explains how to use Proxyman to capture the network request information of an iPhone app and simulate server responses by providing mock data. This allows you to test and develop applications without relying on a real server.

Key Considerations Before Using SwiftData
Mar 12, 2025 #SwiftData

This article aims to serve as a guide for developers interested in SwiftData, helping you understand its strengths and limitations so you can make informed decisions based on your project needs. Whether you’re considering adopting SwiftData in a new project or planning a migration from another persistence solution, the following content will provide valuable insights to support your decision-making process.

Lazy Initialization @State in SwiftUI: Overcoming Premature Object Creation
Mar 5, 2025 #SwiftUI

The Observation framework has brought native property-level observation to Swift, effectively preventing unnecessary view updates in SwiftUI triggered by unrelated property changes, thereby enhancing application performance. However, since @State does not offer a lazy initialization constructor like @StateObject, it may lead to performance degradation or even logical issues due to the premature construction of instances in certain scenarios. This article explores how to implement a lazy initialization solution for Observable instances using @State.

Animatable Protocol: Taming Unruly SwiftUI Animations
Feb 26, 2025 #SwiftUI

In SwiftUI development, have you ever encountered situations where seemingly correct animation code fails to work as expected? Or animations that run perfectly on certain iOS versions but behave abnormally on others? These frustrating animation issues can often be resolved with a powerful yet understated tool — the Animatable protocol.

From Host to Serverless: A Blog Architecture Migration Journey
Feb 19, 2025 #Web

In the past month and a half, I’ve made a series of adjustments to my blog, covering areas such as the publishing mechanism, code architecture, and layout design. These changes have not only enhanced the performance and user experience of the blog but also made content maintenance and updates more efficient. This article provides a brief overview of the key changes.

Mastering SwiftUI Scrolling: Implementing Custom Paging
Feb 12, 2025 #SwiftUI

Starting with iOS 17, SwiftUI introduced scrollTargetBehavior, enabling developers to control scrolling behavior with greater precision. Whether it's aligning views at rest or implementing custom paging effects, scrollTargetBehavior offers robust support. More importantly, developers can create custom ScrollTargetBehavior implementations to meet specific needs. This article will walk through a real-world example, step by step, to demonstrate how to use scrollTargetBehavior and ultimately implement a custom scrolling control logic.

Why Certain View Modifiers in Swift 6 Cannot Use the @State Property
Dec 24, 2024 #SwiftUI #Swift

In Xcode 16, to improve SwiftUI's performance under Swift 6 mode, Apple made several adjustments to the SwiftUI framework's APIs to meet stricter concurrency checks. The most notable change is the comprehensive annotation of the View protocol with @MainActor. While these optimizations generally enhance the developer experience in Swift 6 mode, they also introduce some seemingly anomalous compile-time errors in specific scenarios. This article delves into why certain view modifiers cannot directly use @State properties and provides corresponding solutions.

Traps and Countermeasures for Abnormal onAppear Calls in SwiftUI
Dec 18, 2024 #SwiftUI

onAppear is an extremely crucial lifecycle method in SwiftUI, used to inject key logic when a view is presented. Since view instances may be created and rebuilt frequently, developers often choose to prepare data and perform initialization operations within these methods. In theory, the timing of these lifecycle method calls should be predictable and consistent. However, in certain specific scenarios, onAppear may be called unexpectedly and unnecessarily. This not only can lead to performance overhead but also may cause uncontrollable changes in the application's state. This article will uncover this easily overlooked SwiftUI behavior trap and provide temporary countermeasures.